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Education and online communities

PeaceTech courses and learning spaces

There are peacetech courses popping up everywhere under a range of different terms – peace engineering, digital peacebuilding, tech for social good and so on. Here are a few to give an idea of what’s out there – and they come and go, so not all links may work. A search using the terms above will also take you to a raft of short online courses, some of which are free.

MSc in Peace Engineering, Drexel University, US

Peace Engineering, St Thomas Minnesota, US

Peace Engineering, University of New Mexico

PeaceTech and Polarization Lab (PTAP), Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame

Digital Peacemaking, CMI, Finland

Grebel Peace Incubator, Waterloo University, Canada

Global PeaceTech Hub, Florence, Italy

Online courses

Digital Peacebuilding, Swiss Peace

Digital Peacebuilding free courses, Build UP

Digital Peacebuilding: Integrating Technology with Peacebuilding Practices, Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute

There are also a large and growing number of online sites, tools and discussion groups where you can access current thinking and new approaches. Although we can't even start to list them all, here's a few that are active and interesting.

The Digital Peacebuilding Community of Practice seeks to provide a platform for members to engage one another on elevating peacebuilding principles within this fast-evolving tech landscape. It is co-lead by Alliance for Peace, the Toda Peace Institute, Mercy Corps, and Search for Common Ground.

The Council on Technology and Social Cohesion, formed in 2023, involves 15 leading organizations focused on the design and support for prosocial technology.

All Tech is Human brings together people, organizations, and ideas to grow and strengthen the Responsible Tech ecosystem.

The Prosocial Design Network is a great resource for setting a constructive online culture, sharing evidence-based design solutions to bring out the best in human nature online.

The PA-X Peace Agreements Database contains more than 2,000 peace agreements from peace processes between 1990 and 2022. PA-X data underpins a range of digital tools to support policy and practice, including visualisations, trackers, interactive timelines, infographics, and a mobile app and in based at the Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh.

The UN Peace Security Data Hub, which is managed by the DPPA-DPO Information Management Unit to provide a centralized entry-point for up-to date public information on and about the UN’s Peace and Security Pillar. The data on the platform is used by UN colleagues, UN Member States, journalists, training partners, academia and think tanks, as well as the public at large.