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Books and articles

Publications that might be of interest

'Digital peacebuilding should reflexively engage in the co-production
of the social and the technical in both practice and academia.'
Hirblinger et al 2022

There are a lot of publications on the area of peacetech - although not always called that - stretching back decades. Here's a few interesting articles and reads that we've found to be useful and thought-provoking resources, as well as good leads to other authors.

PeaceTech: Digital Transformation to End War, Christine Bell, 2023 - Why are we willing to believe that technology can bring about war… but not peace? This is the first book to look at the use of technological innovation to support peace and transition processes, mapping the fast-paced developments of PeaceTech, and the ethical and practical challenges involved.

25 spheres of digital peacebuilding, Lisa Schirch 2020, Toda Institute - Five generations of thinking related to the evolution of technology’s impact on peacebuilding. Digital peacebuilding contributes to democratic deliberation, violence prevention, social cohesion, civic engagement and improved human security., as well as to the wider fields of digital citizenship and 'tech for good'.

Digital Peacebuilding: A Framework for Critical–Reflexive Engagement, Hirblinger et al, 2022, International Studies Perspectives

Comparing Guidance for Tech Companies in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, Volker Boege, 2022, Toda Policy Brief No 125

Designing recommender systems to depolarize. J Stray, 2022, First Monday, 27(5)

More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech, Meredith Broussard, 2023, The MIT Press​

Building a peace we don’t know? The power of subjunctive technologies in digital peacebuilding, Andreas Hirblinger, 2022, Peacebuilding, DOI: 10.1080/21647259.2022.2154957​

Our Brains at War: The Neuroscience of Conflict and Peacebuilding, Mari Fitzduff, 2021; Oxford Academic

Interacting for Peace: Rethinking Peace Through Interactive Digital Platforms. Yuval Katz, 2020 Social Media + Society, 6(2). ​